Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday - Just a Regular Day

I woke up this morning and went to my Materials Engineering class.  Well when I say "woke up", I mean I woke up, turned off my alarm clock, went back to sleep, and got up ten minutes before class began.  However, I made it there on time. Today we did a group activity where we chose the materials we'd use to build a screwdrive for use underwater.

This afternoon I had Multivariable Calculus again.  This time we went over the shapes of various functions.  My favorite was the hyperbolic paraboloid. Its basically the same shape as a pringle chip.  Here's a picture:
After that I came back to my dorm and worked on my homework for my Mechanical Engineering course.  It turns out that I need a tablet for the course, so I think I'm going to order a USB one off of the internet.  I'll let you know how that goes. Thats all for today, see you again soon!

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