Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday - Weekend Wrap-up

I know, I know.  I said I'd be sure to post Friday, but I had a good reason.  I was really busy!  First thing on Friday I had my first Physics recitation.  The TA is a mechanical engineer who came back to Tech to get his PhD.  He was very helpful when people didn't understand stuff.  After that I had my ME class.  In that class we "dissected" an electric drill.  We took it apart and then got to strip down the gearbox.  It was a lot of fun!  Finally, I had my ISE lab.  This time my group participated in the Turning Lab, which involved cutting into a 600 pound piece of steel on an industrial lathe spinning at several hundred rpm, e.g lots of fun!  Friday nights are Nerf War nights and this one was particularly special.  The person who is normally in charge was busy, so he put me in charge.   So I picked out the game types, explained the rules, and distributed weapons.  Afterwards, a group of us brought down our computers and played Team Fortress 2.

Not much happened Saturday morning because I decided to sleep in.  However, Saturday night was full of cool stuff.  First was PokeTech, where I participated in a card draft and got to build a Pokemon TCG deck.  After the draft we had a tournament, and I came in third; not bad.   After the meeting, most of the group went to the Lyric Theater which was having a special showing of the Pokemon Movie.  That was a lot of fun.  The line to get tickets stretched all the way to the corner.  I never knew there were so many Pokemon fans on campus!

Sunday started off with Matt taking me to the Human Powered Submarine meeting.  Working with the Formula Team didn't work out, so I asked if they needed any help and they said yes.  I think that the sub team is going to be great.  It was my first time there, and they had me cutting foam supports and smoothing the propellers which will be powering the sub.  The method for manufacturing the propellers is very cool. First they designed them in Autodesk Inventor and printed them on a 3-D printer.  They used that model to create a mold, which was used to cast the props in aluminum.  The casts came out rough, so they have to be smoothed before being put on the sub.  After the sub meeting, I went to the Epic Battle Club battle on the Drill Field.  I brought my chain-mail and the other club members seemed to like it. It also gave me a competitive advantage: I got to take an extra hit before dying!  The battle went much better than the last one I went to; my glasses remained intact and I wasn't bleeding all over the place.  After the battle, the club went to D2 to get dinner.  We got a lot of strange looks as we walked in with our swords, armour, and shields.   Sunday night I met with my ME team to finish up the drill dissection assignment.

Today I started off with my first physics lab.  We used a wave generator and a piece of tensioned string to create various types of waves.  It was actually a lot of fun seeing how changing the frequency changed the waves. After that I went to my ME class.  We didn't do anything fun, it was just a lecture.  I went to lunch with Daniel after class at Squires and they were giving out free ice cream, so that was great.  My last class of the day was my physics lecture.  We've finished up with waves for now and have started on electrical charge.  I walked with Matt back to Lee Hall after class and then we went to the second-floor lounge and donated blood.  Yep, today was the Lee Hall blood drive.  I even got a fancy pin because I donated for the second time!

Well that's all I have for today, see you again soon!  (I'm not going to say tomorrow, you know how that works out...)

EDIT: This was posted on Tuesday morning because my internet dropped out Monday night.

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