Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday - Weekend Wrap-up

I know, I know.  I said I'd be sure to post Friday, but I had a good reason.  I was really busy!  First thing on Friday I had my first Physics recitation.  The TA is a mechanical engineer who came back to Tech to get his PhD.  He was very helpful when people didn't understand stuff.  After that I had my ME class.  In that class we "dissected" an electric drill.  We took it apart and then got to strip down the gearbox.  It was a lot of fun!  Finally, I had my ISE lab.  This time my group participated in the Turning Lab, which involved cutting into a 600 pound piece of steel on an industrial lathe spinning at several hundred rpm, e.g lots of fun!  Friday nights are Nerf War nights and this one was particularly special.  The person who is normally in charge was busy, so he put me in charge.   So I picked out the game types, explained the rules, and distributed weapons.  Afterwards, a group of us brought down our computers and played Team Fortress 2.

Not much happened Saturday morning because I decided to sleep in.  However, Saturday night was full of cool stuff.  First was PokeTech, where I participated in a card draft and got to build a Pokemon TCG deck.  After the draft we had a tournament, and I came in third; not bad.   After the meeting, most of the group went to the Lyric Theater which was having a special showing of the Pokemon Movie.  That was a lot of fun.  The line to get tickets stretched all the way to the corner.  I never knew there were so many Pokemon fans on campus!

Sunday started off with Matt taking me to the Human Powered Submarine meeting.  Working with the Formula Team didn't work out, so I asked if they needed any help and they said yes.  I think that the sub team is going to be great.  It was my first time there, and they had me cutting foam supports and smoothing the propellers which will be powering the sub.  The method for manufacturing the propellers is very cool. First they designed them in Autodesk Inventor and printed them on a 3-D printer.  They used that model to create a mold, which was used to cast the props in aluminum.  The casts came out rough, so they have to be smoothed before being put on the sub.  After the sub meeting, I went to the Epic Battle Club battle on the Drill Field.  I brought my chain-mail and the other club members seemed to like it. It also gave me a competitive advantage: I got to take an extra hit before dying!  The battle went much better than the last one I went to; my glasses remained intact and I wasn't bleeding all over the place.  After the battle, the club went to D2 to get dinner.  We got a lot of strange looks as we walked in with our swords, armour, and shields.   Sunday night I met with my ME team to finish up the drill dissection assignment.

Today I started off with my first physics lab.  We used a wave generator and a piece of tensioned string to create various types of waves.  It was actually a lot of fun seeing how changing the frequency changed the waves. After that I went to my ME class.  We didn't do anything fun, it was just a lecture.  I went to lunch with Daniel after class at Squires and they were giving out free ice cream, so that was great.  My last class of the day was my physics lecture.  We've finished up with waves for now and have started on electrical charge.  I walked with Matt back to Lee Hall after class and then we went to the second-floor lounge and donated blood.  Yep, today was the Lee Hall blood drive.  I even got a fancy pin because I donated for the second time!

Well that's all I have for today, see you again soon!  (I'm not going to say tomorrow, you know how that works out...)

EDIT: This was posted on Tuesday morning because my internet dropped out Monday night.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday - And Tuesday...and Wednesday...

Wow, I'm getting remarkably bad at posting things on time.  Sorry for that, this week's been really busy and I'm still working on getting back into the flow of things.  So, lets start with Tuesday!

Tuesday started out with my Materials Science and Engineering class.  The proffessor wasn't there so we had a graduate student come in instead, and we wrote about how we thought new materials could be used to advance our fields.  It was a paper, but it wasn't that bad imagining what new materials could be used for.

After that, I went to STS 1504, Introduction to Science, Technology, and the Humanities, for the first time.  The proffessor seems nice, and she didn't mind that I had missed the first two classes.  I think that this new class is going to work out after all.

That afetrnoon I went to Multivariable Calculus, where we learned more about multivariable equations and the shapes associated with them.

That evening I went to the library to work on my lab report for ISE 2214 with my partner.  We hit a roadblock with some of the calculations, but we got a lot done.  After that I worked with my ME 2024 team on our ice cream scoop design.

I left there and went to go get some food.  Since it was 9:45, the only place that was open was DXpress so I went there.  I also went to Deet's place and got a milkshake.  After that I went back to Lee and took the elevator up to the 6th floor.  That's where it got interesting.  You see, I only made it up half a floor before the elevator stopped.  I had to push the help button, and then I had to wait about 30 minutes before someone came to get me out.  As you can imagine, I'm kind of put off by the elevators right now.

Wednesday started out with ME 2024, where we wrote a memo on the ice cream scoop project.  After that I walked with Daniel to the Kopy Korner on Main Street to print out lab manuals for ISE 2214.  After that we went by Wendy's for lunch. Then we went to Physics where we learned more about waves.

I walked back to Lee with Matt and then I worked on my Calculus homework and the ISE lab report.

Today, I started off with Material Science again.  Our proffessor still wasn't there so we watched Nova instead of having a lecture.  That was actually fun.  The proffessor will be back on Tuesday, so we can actually start learning.

After that I went to Durham Hall and had my interview for the Second Year Galileo Program.  The interview was with a group of five other students.  We had to work together to plan a dance for 250 Galipatia students.  Our group worked well together, and I think the interview went great.

Next, I had STS 1504 again.  Next week, instead of doing all of the readings, we get to choose one which we will discuss in class. This class just keeps getting better!

My last class of the day was Calculus, where we learned about limits and derivatives of equations with many variables.  It was actually a lot easier than I was expecting.

Finally, tonight I went back to the library to finish my lab report for ISE 2214.  I got food from DX again, but this time I took the stairs and actually made it up to my room this time.  Tonight I worked on my paper for STS 1504.

Tommorrow I'll be sure to post.  I won't have any work due the next day, so it shouldn't be too hard.  See you then.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday- Sorry about Friday...

I could have sworn that I posted on Friday, but I guess it didn't go through. Friday started out with ME 2024.  This time my team "dissected" a portable air compressor.  We had to take it apart and answer questions about parts and components.  After that I went to ISE 2124,  Manufacturing Processes Laboratory.  We went over the syllabus and then did an activity where we simulated working on a factory assembly line. After that, I went to D2 to get dinner with some of my classmates who also participate in Nerf Wars.  After dinner we headed back to Lee and went to the Nerf War.  There was a little scare when one of the participants tripped and fell in the stairwell, but he turned out to be alright.  The last battle of the night was King of the Hill in the second floor lounge, which turned out to be a ton of fun.  After Nerf we went to Deet's Place and got some ice cream.  So, overall it was a very good day.

Over the weekend, I didn't do too much stuff.  I slept in on Saturday morning because I was tired from Nerf the night before.  I did some homework and basically hung out all day.  That evening I went to PokeTech.  I found out that the Lyric Theater is  showing the Pokemon Movie at midnight on Saturday, and I am planning on going to that.

Today I started out with ME 2024 where we had an in class assignment to design an easy-to-use ice cream scoop.  After that I went to Physics 2306 where we learned about waves and periodic motion.  I walked back to Lee with Matt, and along the way he came up with an idea for the whiteboards on our doors:

One is on his door and one is on my door across the hall.  We've already had several people comment on them!  After that, I changed my class schedule.  I dropped ENGE 2314, Engineering Problem Solving C++, and replaced it with STS 1504, Intro to Humanities, Science, & Technology.  I'll be going to that class for the first time tomorrow.  I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.  See you then.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday - Just a Regular Day

I woke up this morning and went to my Materials Engineering class.  Well when I say "woke up", I mean I woke up, turned off my alarm clock, went back to sleep, and got up ten minutes before class began.  However, I made it there on time. Today we did a group activity where we chose the materials we'd use to build a screwdrive for use underwater.

This afternoon I had Multivariable Calculus again.  This time we went over the shapes of various functions.  My favorite was the hyperbolic paraboloid. Its basically the same shape as a pringle chip.  Here's a picture:
After that I came back to my dorm and worked on my homework for my Mechanical Engineering course.  It turns out that I need a tablet for the course, so I think I'm going to order a USB one off of the internet.  I'll let you know how that goes. Thats all for today, see you again soon!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday - Sorry for the Late Post

I was working on homework for Calculus last night, and I forgot to post.  Sorry about that...now to my classes!

My first class of the day was ME 2024, Engineering Design and Economics.  The class has a heavy emphasis on teamwork, so all we did was go over the syllabus and then a team activity.  It was really fun, and one the people in my group, Daniel, is also in my physics class so shared phone numbers.  As I was walking out I ran into a person from who was in my group at J. Sargent Reynolds when I took EGR 124 over the summer.

After that I headed to lunch at Owens Food Court.  It was the most crowded I've ever seen it!  There were lines to get food, lines to pay, and even lines to sit down!

Later I went to my Physics 2306 class.  Its in the same room as my physics class last semester.  In addition to Daniel, Matt, who is in Galileo and was in my physics class last semester, is also taking the same class.  That means I have two people I can work with!

That's all that happened yesterday (or at least all I can remember).  I will be sure to update again with what happens today.  See you then!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday - Hello Again!

I arrived back in Blacksburg on Saturday, so technically I should have posted on Monday, but today was my first day of classes, so I decided I could make my break last a little longer.  Last night there was a mini Nerf war and I got to use some of the Nerf guns I got for Christmas.  Well, now its on to my classes!

This morning I started out with MSE 2034, Elements of Material Engineering.  My professor is the same person who ran the Materials Engineering session at the College of Engineering open house.  She's really passionate about what she teaches and I'm looking forward to her class.

I stopped at Sbarro for lunch and got spinach stromboli, something I've been looking forward to for a while.  After lunch I took my bike up to my dorm and did some maintenance.  I had left it in my dorm over break and everything had dried out and gotten stiff.  I oiled the chain and cleaned off the frame.

In the afternoon I had Math 2224, Multivariable Calculus.  Today we went over polynomials and reviewed equations of lines and planes.  It seems like it will be a fun class.

This evening I got dinner with some people from Galileo at Hokie Grill.  After I came back to my dorm I got my TV and did this:

I figure if two monitors worked well, three would work even better.  I just did it to see if it would work, and I probably won't keep it, but it was fun playing around with it,

Tomorrow I will be going to Physics and Engineering Design and Economy.  I let you know how that goes!  See you then!