Overall, today was a good day. Overall being the important word there; It didn't actually start out too well. This morning I fell out of bed. Now that doesn't sound like a big deal, until you remember that my bed is lofted six feet above the floor. The hard tile floor. I'm fine, just a little shaken, and my right leg which I landed on is a little banged up. After I had made sure I was OK, I took a shower, got dressed, and went to my physics lecture. The fact that all of these things took a little longer than usual, and that the elevators were closed for maintenance, led to me being 20 minutes late to my lecture...not good.
After physics, I came back to my room and prepared for my second Engineer Cultures exam. When I was looking for the study guide for this weeks test, I accidentally opened up from my last exam. Now in the automatic Scholar grading software, it says I got a 19 out of 25, which would be a 76. However, five of those 25 points belong to an extra credit problem, so in reality I got a 19 out of 20, which is a 95! That made me feel much more confident about this test. I also found out I got 10/10 points on my last 2 threaded discussions. At the beginning of the semester I was thinking about dropping this class, but now I'm glad I didn't! After figuring that out, I eventually found the study guide, prepared for the exam, and took it. The exam is fully written, so I'm not sure what score I got, but I'm pretty confident I did well.
Today is Friday, which means tonight was Nerf Night! For some reason, there weren't many people there this time, so we played mostly lounge battles, which are, as you can probably guess, battles played in the lounge instead of the hallways and stairwells. Our last game of the night was a blacklight battle, where the only sources of light were blacklights in each corner of the room. Since the plastic from the Nerf guns is fluorescent, this looked really cool.
After Nerf wars, a few people went to Deet's to get ice cream and other treats. After that, some of us went over to Cochrane Hall, where we set up a projector in one of the lounges, popped some popcorn, and watched the movie "How to Train Your Dragon". After that, a few of us came back to Lee, set up the projector in the hallway and watched some Youtube clips until about 4 am.
This has been a busy week, and I haven't posted every day, but the next few weeks shouldn't be as bad, and I will be sticking to my schedule! See you on Monday!