Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday-Back home!

After four hours of driving I am back home with my family!  I caught a ride home today with a friend I know from Boy Scouts.  We left Tech at 5 pm and four hours later we stepped out of the car.  I-81 was congested so we ended up taking Route 603, which was an amazing drive.  There were icicles, mountain streams, huge rocks balanced on the sides of hills; it was great.  We got back on 81 and drove for a while.  We got off onto Route 340 and cut through Stuarts Draft and then got onto Interstate 64 and stayed on that until we got home.

I won't be posting every day during thanksgiving Break, but I'll keep you updated with any school related activities.  I still have quizzes in Vector Geometry and World Regions that I need to complete.  Thats all I have for today, see you soon.

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