Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Rainy Tuesday

I got up early(ish) this morning for my Vector Geometry recitation. As I was walking out my door my roommate reminded me that recitations had ended two weeks ago.  So instead of going to that, I worked on my ePortfolio for Galileo.  The ePortfolio is a personal website that is supposed to give potential employers information about you.  You can check out my ePortfolio here.  I've written up a short biography, attached my resume, and talked about some of my community service.

Later, I went to my last Calculus 1206 class.  We finished up the year learning about tests to determine whether an improper integral is convergent or divergent.

Finally this evening I had my last large Galileo meeting.  We got to talk to Dr. Watford, who is the head of the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity which runs Galileo.  We discussed what we liked about the program, what we thought needed to be changed, and what could be removed.  I enjoyed being able to give feedback on the program.

In other news, I just got my Red Cross blood donor card in the mail, just in time for the Lee Hall Blood Drive on Thursday!  I've already signed up for an appointment, and I'm looking forward to being able to donate again.  See you tomorrow!

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