Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuedsay-Random Pictures

It was a really nice day, so I decided to walk around a bit.  Here are some of the things I saw:
One of the places I ended up was the roof of the parking garage.  They were putting in these solar panels which will supposedly be used to power the lights in the garage.
From the top of the parking garage, I also got a close-up view of the construction of the Signature Engineering Building.  Its starting to look more and more like an actual building.
This was outside of the Civil and Industrial Engineering building. I think that they're chucks of concrete someone had tested and thrown away.  But now they're Art!
The DreamVendor 3-D Vending machine is up and running now.  I wanted to print something, but it turns out that you need an SD card 2gb or smaller and all of mine are too big.  I should be getting an good SD card soon, though.
And finally, the flowers outside Randolph, and all over campus, have started blooming.  Its not surprising considering the high today was 79 degrees.

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