Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday- 3 Weeks Down!

Well, I said that I might not be able to post on Friday and I guess I was right!  Well, Friday started off with my physics recitation.  After that I met with my ISE TA to talk about a problem I was having with the lab report.  I got that sorted out and headed out to ME.  There was a leak in our regular room, so we had to move down the hall.  In that class we got to pick out our group projects that we'll be working on for the rest of the semester.  My team was assigned to design a system to automatically clean the whiteboards after a class.  We also started to work with the Microsoft Project software, which we'll be using.  That afternoon I went to my ISE lab.  This time I worked on the F/PM lab which stands for Sheet Metal Forming and Powder Metallurgy.  First we made coins by compressing brass powder in a mold.  Then we used a punch to test the properties of aluminum.  I got to keep some souvenirs:

That night I went to the Nerf War which was a lot of fun as usual.  Unfortunately, one of my guns broke during a game, but I managed to fix it by the end of the night.

On Saturday, I worked on some homework for the beginning of the day.  At 4:30, I went down to the lounge where a bunch of the people from Nerf Wars were cooking food and watching a movie.  After that we all played TF2.  That lasted until about 3 am, with a break to get food at DX.

On Sunday morning, I went out to Kroger to pick up some game-day snacks.  I got chips, salsa, dip, and drinks.  The second floor lounge was already full by the time I headed down so I decided to watch the game in my room.  Brendan and I both hung out and watched the game.

Today started out with my physics lab.  This time we were experimenting with sound waves using tuning forks and tubes to set up resonant and beat frequencies.  It was actually a lot of fun.  Then I went to ME.  We're back in our regular room, despite the fact that half of the celling tiles are missing and the roof is still leaking.  Today we discussed identifying customer needs and did an exercise where we interviewed each other.  At the end of class Professor O assigned a new member to our group, Devin, that we'll be working with for the rest of the semester.  After class I had some time, so I went and got lunch.  Then I headed over to my physics lecture where we went over uniform charges and electric flux.  This evening I met with Daniel, who missed both ME and physics class today.  We went over the notes from the classes and then I helped him out with some of the stuff he was having trouble with in statics.  That lasted a lot longer than we expected and we ended up going to Jimmy John's for dinner before heading back to the library.

That's all I have for today..and Sunday...and Saturday...and Friday.  What more do you want?  See you tomorrow with more of my harrowing Tales from Blacksburg!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday-Where'd Wednesday go?

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday...well at least I remembered today, right? Wednesday started out with ME.  We started talking about economics in engineering.  Its not my favorite subject, but its not too bad.  After that I walked to Physics with Daniel.  Before class I helped him with some of his statics work he was having trouble with. Now, that was fun.  In physics we continued to talk about electric charges and fields.  After that I went and got lunch at  Owens, and  headed back to Lee.  That evening I met up with Daniel at the Library.  He helped me with my Multivariable Calculus homework and I helped him with his Statics.

Today started out with my materials class.  We discussed porosity and methods of calculating density.  The professor passed around models of different atomic structures.  Those were cool to look at.  From there, I headed straight to Science, Technology, and Humanities.  Today we discussed one of our reading on the role of women in science and technology.  This afternoon, I had multivariable calculus again.  This time we went over gradients and the slope of a function along a specified path.  Afterwards, I headed back to my dorm to do my physics and ME homework.  I also finished up my ISE lab manual for tomorrow.

I'll do my best to post tomorrow, but Fridays last really late for me and I may not be awake enough to remember to post.  See you tomorrow...hopefully!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday - Hey look, a post!

Wow, I'm actually posting on time...kind of.  Today started off with my Materials Science and Engineering class.  My professor was actually there, so we got to learn stuff!  We talked about various crystalline structures and densities.  Next, I went to Intro to Science, Technology, and the Humanities.  Then I had lunch at Sbarro again.  I had planned to meet up with Daniel to go over physics and statics, but he was busy and couldn't make it, so I headed back to my dorm.  That afternoon I went to my Calculus lecture.  We went over how to take full derivatives of functions with multiple variables.

This evening, I went to the library to work on my ISE lab report with Geon, my lab partner.  I was supposed to meet with my ME team as well, but Taylor couldn't make it.  Finally, tonight we had a fire drill.  Except it wasn't a drill; It turns out that whoever lives in Room 501 doesn't know how to cook popcorn.  We had to wait outside for the fire department to come and check the entire building.

Well that's all for tonight.  See you again soon!